Apr 30, 2021
There are metabolic differences between sedentary and trained individuals; therefore, it is important to know where you fall and feed your goals accordingly. Energy Needs & Metabolic Changes with Exercise The amount of energy that is expended in...
Apr 16, 2021
Overview: Physical Contributors To Stress And How They Affect Your Nutritional State Knowing the physical contributors to stress and how that effects the body will help you make more informed decisions in regards to your lifestyle and habits. Stress: A Review?...
Mar 23, 2021
How Does Posture and Stress Affect Male Sex Hormones? Well, in short, poor posture puts stress on the body and potentially an increased risk of inflammation. With prolonged stress and inflammation, the body begins to produce cortisol, the stress hormone which...
Mar 23, 2021
With the fast pace that the modern world pressures us to go at, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of stimuli that is thrown at us such as the pull to buy material things (consumerism) and the barrage of media. Because of these stressors, there is a trend...