May 26, 2021
Bicarbonate System Knowledge is power. Understanding what is going on inside your body can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to nutrition, physical activity and your overall lifestyle. What is a Buffer? A buffering system is solution based...
May 23, 2021
What is Trochanteric Bursitis? Trochanteric bursitis is a common pain cycle associated with the lateral aspect of the hip. It is one component of a greater set of conditions known as greater trochanteric pain syndrome. This condition is thought to involve inflammation...
May 21, 2021
Physical Contributors to Stress: Dental Hygiene It is important to note that, just like with personal hygiene, proper dental hygiene is important for not only the health of teeth, but also the health of the whole body. Dental Disease: The human mouth contains...
May 14, 2021
Physical Contributors to Stress: Medications/Drugs Advancements in medications and treatments in healthcare have made a significant difference in the last couple of decades; however, many of these medications come with their own set of side effects that cannot be...
May 5, 2021
Physical Contributors to Stress: Personal Hygiene Personal hygiene is essential to your health, but it is also important to know what is in the products that you are using on your body. Importance of Personal Hygiene It is important to pay regular attention to...