May 26, 2021
Appreciation is the expression of acknowledgment of the gifts, talents, and fortunes of one’s self and others as well as the positive attributes of things and places. On a related but different note, gratitude is the state of being thankful. Although these things are...
May 26, 2021
Over the past few weeks, we have covered the importance of sleep and physical recovery to our physical and metabolic health. This week, we will be focusing primarily on the effect of sleep and metabolism on our cognitive recovery and health. Cognition refers to any...
Apr 30, 2021
Every action we take requires resources (on a physiological and mental level as well as emotional, to varying degrees). As such, our bodies and minds are in a constant flux of how much energy we take in versus how much energy we consume. This is why our energy levels...
Apr 30, 2021
What we think and feel about ourselves, others, and the world has a significant impact on our expectations of outcomes in any given situation: positive or negative. This, in turn, directly affects our behavior, habits, and how we cope. Our nutrition is no different....
Apr 30, 2021
What drives you? What is the one thing that you do at the start of each day that sets the tone and momentum for the rest of the day? Those little daily cues are the stepping stone for motivation and passion. We like to think that these two things are of spontaneous...