Fluid Health & Fitness

When physical therapy hurts

Whenever you are having physical therapy, it’s natural to experience some discomfort. But, you can learn how to deal with the pain. Here are some tips that can help you.

Pain in the joints is a muscular thing

Depending on your health condition, you may be able to take advantage of alternative treatments for joint pain. This may include using a heating pad or a massage. You may also be able to get some relief by losing weight.

A good physical therapist can also help you get relief from joint pain. They can help you perform a range of motion exercises to strengthen the muscles around your joints. They may also use ultrasound or electrical nerve stimulation.

A splint is a good way to prevent joint stiffness and pain. A brace or wrap can also help protect the joint. If you are dealing with severe pain, you might want to speak to a medical professional to find out more about your options.

One of the best things you can do for your joint is exercise. You may be able to relieve the pain by losing weight or performing low impact exercises. You may also need to take over the counter pain medication. The best thing to do is to talk to your health care provider to find out how often you need to use these methods.

A good physical therapist will also evaluate your overall health and the condition causing your joint pain. This will help your therapist devise a treatment plan that will help you get the most out of your time with them. You may also be referred to a specialist if your condition requires it.

Manual therapy in our area

Whether you are suffering from a sports injury, a car accident, or just have chronic pain, manual therapy can help you reduce pain and increase your mobility. Manual therapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of physical therapy. This is because it is a safe, non-invasive method of treatment that can help patients recover quickly.

Manual therapy involves using hand-on techniques to increase range of motion, reduce swelling, and reduce pain. It is used by physical therapists and massage therapists to improve the health of patients. It can help patients increase circulation, reduce pain, and improve muscle function. It may also help patients learn how to live a pain-free lifestyle.

Manual therapy may also involve joint manipulation. This technique involves gentle, slow movements that increase the range of motion of joints. The movements increase blood flow to the joints, which helps to reduce swelling and stimulate healing of injured tissue.

Manual therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment for many musculoskeletal conditions. It is often used in conjunction with other conservative methods, such as exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy. It can reduce pain, improve muscle function, and increase relaxation. It can also increase strength in the affected area.

Manual therapy may also include myofascial release therapy, which is a technique that uses focused pressure to release the tight bands of muscle that surround the affected area. These bands may feel like nodules, but they are very sensitive to touch. Learn more about our physical therapy specialists by clicking here.

Suspension therapy helps relieve muscle soreness

Whether you are an endurance athlete or someone who has been involved in a back injury, suspension therapy helps relieve muscle soreness. It also strengthens the muscles, improves stability, and enhances range of motion. In addition, suspension therapy is helpful for patients with neck and back pain.

In this type of therapy, a body part is suspended by a heavy material suspended by a thread. The point of suspension is the center of gravity of a body part. The point of suspension is usually at the junction of the upper and lower one-thirds of the body.

A physical therapist uses suspension therapy to rehabilitate patients. The suspension technique is often used in conjunction with other forms of physical therapy. This allows the therapist to work on specific movements while suspending the patient’s body.

Redcord Neurac is an alternative rehabilitation method that combines therapeutic exercise with the Redcord bungee system. This system allows the physical therapist to gauge the muscular strength of the patient, which can help the athlete recover more effectively. The system also eliminates the gravity effect on painful muscles. This method can also help the athlete “relearn” movement patterns.

This therapy can also help to alleviate pain in the neck, back, and other areas of the body. This can be particularly useful for endurance athletes who often sustain injuries.

Get the physical therapy you need in our area!

To provide the long-term support you require, we use the most skilled and experienced healthcare professionals, adaptive exercises, evidence-based research, as well as innovative equipment. Our Clinic empowers and strengthens communities. It also gives hope. If you are in the area, call us today for more information about physical therapy.