Good posture is the foundation of efficient movement. It’s more than just standing up straight; it’s about aligning your head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees, and feet in a way that minimizes strain and maximizes function. Ideal Posture: Head: Aligned over the...
Muscles work by contracting, and there are several types of contractions that dictate how we move. Each type serves a unique purpose and plays a crucial role in different activities. Concentric Contraction: This is when a muscle shortens while generating force. For...
Muscles work by contracting, and there are several types of contractions that dictate how we move. Each type serves a unique purpose and plays a crucial role in different activities. Concentric Contraction: This is when a muscle shortens while generating force. For...
The human body is a masterpiece of collaboration. Muscles don’t work alone; they function as part of a team to produce smooth, coordinated movement. Each muscle plays a specific role, and understanding these roles can help us move more efficiently and prevent injury....
Muscles are the body’s unsung heroes, working behind the scenes to keep us upright, moving, and functioning. But not all muscles play the same role. Some are designed to work tirelessly throughout the day (tonic muscles), while others spring into action for short...