Did You Know Your Breathing Habits Could Be Reshaping Your Face?

The Impact of Breathing Biases, Lateralization, and Neuromuscular Asymmetry on Jaw Structure and Craniofacial Development Understanding how asymmetry in human physiology contributes to breathing dysfunction, craniofacial misalignment, and systemic health issues, and...

Glenohumeral and Scapulothoracic Rhythms

Central Theme: The glenohumeral rhythm and scapulothoracic rhythm are coupled actions essential for coordinated shoulder movement. These rhythms involve precise biomechanics in the kinetic and kinematic chains of the upper body and align with respiratory and gait...

Vices and Health: Unraveling the Impact of Common Mood Regulators

Today, we are diving into the world of common mood regulators like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and THC. These substances are widely used for their mood-altering effects, but how do they affect our metabolism and overall health? Explore the science behind these...


Even when we have the discipline and skill-set to achieve our goals, a social support system and a sense of community can make the difference between success and quitting.  This is because other people can be the bedrock of emotional support and companionship that we...